
This is our final poster design. We wanted to keep it simple but to keep the audience intrigued, so we decided to use an identifiable object that fits in with the generic iconography of the trailer. The background woods scene is a main aspect of the trailer, so this sets the scene for the events that will take place. The masked murderer is never fully identified but this mask would instantly be associated with the murderer; the fact that the mask is just hanging and there is no face behind it is used to make the audience question his whereabouts. This poster resembles real texts as it includes elements of the trailer, such as the mask, and credits that add to make the poster more realistic. We used Photoshop to adjust the picture and to give it a scary effect. We dimmed the lighting in the background and gave it an animation effect, which makes it stand out and eye appealing. Eleanor-rose written at the top of the poster jointly promotes the name of the film and the name of the victim. The short, sharp phrase adds to the enigma and again makes the audience question the background to the phrase.
Labels: Dan Thomsett, Montana Allen, Zoe Running
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